Avengers Endgame post credits scene has been leaked onto the internet!
Recently Kevin Feige confirmed Avengers Endgame will be re-released for a second round, this time with post credits scene at the end of the movie.

“Thanks for sticking around. As you may have noticed we packed a lot into this movie, There are alot of Characters, a lot of action, a lot of emotion, and I think a lot of fun. But believe it or not we shot some scenes that we had to cut out. I know the movie could have been even longer. We shot some great stuff but we had to make our choices so here for the very first time anywhere, is a scene that we loved, but just couldn’t keep it in the final cut of the film.” said Anthony Russo as he gave a short speech before the post credit scene started.
Next we are greeted with a 8 second count down.
Avengers Endgame post credit 1 of 2 | Professor Hulk Scene
On screen we see a tall sky scrapper building on fire. As the camera pans down lower to ground level we see Fire Fighters attempting to extinguish the flames of the building.
Sirens of fire engines are sounding and we a firemen saying “Chief Chief, we still got people up on the forty floor.”
The chief turn around and talks into his radio, “Where are those damn choppers”
The view then changes to show civilians waving for help who are trapped in the burning building.
Dramatic music plays as we see a figure jumping in the sky into the burning building landing at the top of the building with a loud stomping crash.
Next we see a figure which is looks to be Professor Hulk running in the building corridor which is burning while Bruce banner carefully smashes to make way.
As the fire chief says “Hold the Choppers”, we next see Professor Hulk holding a satellite dish jumping down from the building and landing on another lower building to bounce off and finally lands onto the road.
Here we see a clear image of Professor Hulk holding the satellite dish while tilts it to unload the people which he had managed to rescue from the building while saying “Ding Ding, ground floor everybody out”.
Even though Professor Hulk aka Bruce Banner speaks, we do not see his mouth moving suggesting that the CGI has not been animated for this scene.
Once the satellite dish is emptied Professor Hulk then tossed it aside and tells the fire chief that the fire is burning about temperature and suggests to the fire chief to use Halon bombs to put the fire out.
After giving his advice we hear a cell phone ringing which Professor Hulk takes out a Tablet Phone to answer the call, while saying “Steve who?” in which the credit scene ends here.
This would suggest that this post credit scene if it was in the final cut of the movie would have been inserted after the scene where Tony Stark reluctantly rejected Steve roger’s request to help figure out time travel and the scene where we see Steve Rogers, Black Widow and Scott Lang meeting Professor Hulk at the cafeteria.

But wait there is more! After this post credit scene we find another scene which involves Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
Avengers Endgame post credit 2 | Spider-man far from home scene.
We see a car driving in the area of Ixtenco, Mexico after which the car enters a town in ruins.
As the vehicle comes to a stop, we see Nick Fury and Maria Hill step out of the car. While the two were discussing the reasons why the they are at the scene, Nick Fury says that the locals said that the cyclone had a face.
Moments later we see massive green clouds and a figure come landing onto the ground in front of Nick Fury and Maria Hill. The two respond by drawing their hand weapon.
As the green smoke clears we see Mysterio, Quentin Beck with his iconic Mysterio fishbowl like helmet which also disappears revealing Quentin Beck’s face.
While Mysterio looks at both Nick Fury and Maria Hill asking “Who are you?” the ground behind the two erupts and an Earth Elemental appears behind Nick and Maria.

The two open fire at the Earth Elemental but appears to have no effect to their hand weapons.
Quentin Beck then says “You don’t want any part of this.” after which Beck uses his hands to shoot a beam of green energy towards the Earth Elemental as the second post credit scene comes to an end.

That is all folks, we hope you do catch Spider-man far from home which will be released in the United States on 02 Jul 2019.