You need to keep both eyes open! The internet is buzzing about Nick Fury eye patch error, which seems to originate from a reddit post which contains a picture of two advertisement banners side by side each other.

Spider-Man Far From Home is coming soon to a cinema and naturally there be advertisements banners to promote the film.
Most marvel fans out there will know by now that Nick Fury wears an eye patch over his left eye which was injured in the recent Captain Marvel film by Goose the Flerken which resemble Earth’s cats.
However on the image found on the reddit post, both Nick Fury seems to be different. Their eye patch is worn on the different side.
Could one of the Nick Fury be a Skrull in disguise or maybe he is the Chameleon, one of Spider-Man’s enemies?
Or is this just one major printing error? Whichever the case is it has definitely got the world speculating about what could be the case.
The banner has definitely got the attention of actor Samuel L Jackson who plays Nick Fury in the MCU movies.
“Uhhhhhhh, What In The Actual FUCK IS GOING ON HERE???!!!” said on Instagram with the hashtags #headsgonroll #lefteyemuthafukkah
Uhhhhhhh, What In The Actual FUCK IS GOING ON HERE???!!! #headsgonroll #lefteyemuthafukkah @ Los Angeles, California
— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) June 24, 2019

In case you are wondering it seems this advertisement banner seems to come from Singapore.
If you look closely you will see written on both banners.
We certainly hope the poor banner graphic designer learn their lesson from this and do hope their heads aren’t gonna roll. #headsgonroll