A baby boy was born through Caesarean-section last year August 2018 after he failed to gain weight during pregnancy. His weight was only 268 grams when he was born.
The doctors feared for his life thus the decision was made for the Caesarean to be done.
After months of being in a Tokyo Hospital Japan, his weight reached 3,238 gram and he was discharged on 20 Feb 2019, said Doctor Takeshi Arimitsu of Keio University hospital.
The baby boy became the world’s smallest baby boy to be sent home healthy.
The previous record holder was born weighing 274 grams in Germany in 2009, the university said, according to the Tiniest Babies registry managed by the University of Iowa.
The smallest girl was born weighing 252 grams in Germany in 2015.
The boy’s mother said, I am grateful that he has grown this big because, honestly, I wasn’t sure he could survive.

The baby was so small at birth that he could fit in a pair of hands.
But after doctors treated him at a neonatal intensive care unit at the hospital, by managing his breathing and nutrition, he grew steadily and was able to be breastfed.