Looks like Knickers the biggest cow has some competition going on. That’s right, meet Otis and Milo, two cows over in the United States Mississippi appears to be the challenger of size!
Otis (Mississippi , United States)
6 feet 7 inch
3200 pounds
Milo (Mississippi , United States)
6 feet 4 inch
2700 pounds
Knickers (Myalup, Australia)
6 feet 4 inch
2800 pounds
Move over Knickers or should we say “Moo”ve over. you maybe the biggest in Australia, but not the biggest in the world.
All 3 cows were also originally meant for slaughter. As for the United States pair Otis and Milo were headed for slaughter when Bubba Pinkard, cattleman brought them to his pasture.
Bubba Pinkard runs BS Farms located in McVille, Mississippi.
Both the United States cows eat around 100 pounds of range cubes a day in addition to hay.
“I saw that Knickers, they had him in a pen with a bunch of what I call yearlings,” said Pinkard. “They were young cows, young calves and if I put this one against a young calf, he’s gonna look huge.”

“You have to be careful around them because they’re so strong that they do not know their own strength and they will hurt you especially with their horns,” said Pinkard. “They’ve stabbed me several times with their horns.”
On a side note, we noticed that the name Milo and Otis seems to be adapted from a Japanese comedy drama about cat and dog of the same name. The name of the drama is “The Adventures of Milo and Otis”