Tom Sizemore passed away age 61

Tom Sizemore passed away age 61

Tom Sizemore, an actor known for his roles in “Saving Private Ryan,” “Natural Born Killers,” and “Heat,” passed away at the age of 61. He suffered a brain aneurysm on February 18th, 2023, at his home in Los Angeles and died in his sleep on Friday at a hospital in Burbank, California.

Tom Sizemore’s career was a promising one in the 1990s. He was praised for his acting skills in the aforementioned films and was on the path to success. However, his struggles with substance abuse and domestic violence resulted in multiple legal issues that left him homeless and sent him to jail.

Even as the #MeToo movement gained momentum in 2017, Sizemore was accused of groping an 11-year-old girl on set in Utah in 2003. Although he denied the allegations, the charges were not filed. Despite the legal troubles, Sizemore continued to have steady film and television credits, albeit mostly in low-budget, little-seen productions where he played the gruff, tough guys he was known for portraying.

In his 2013 memoir, “By Some Miracle I Made It Out of There,” Sizemore discussed his life’s journey. He wrote about how success turned him into a “spoiled movie star,” an “arrogant fool,” and eventually “a hope-to-die addict.” His book’s title was taken from a line he said in “Saving Private Ryan.”

The Detroit-born actor had a single marriage to Maeve Quinlan, an actor. In 1997, he was arrested on suspicion of beating her. Although the charges were dropped, the couple divorced in 1999.

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Sizemore’s death marks the end of a tumultuous journey filled with ups and downs. Despite his many struggles, he will be remembered for his remarkable talent and contributions to the film industry.

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