Marvel just released the trailer for Avengers 4 movie named and its title is called Avengers Endgame. And within two hours, Marvel Studios Facebook page has clocked 190k reactions and 37k comments, and million views and its climbing. That is just two hours.

First we see Tony Stark recording a message for what seems to be for Pepper Potts. Poor Tony is stuck in a space craft drifting in space. His food and water has run out 4 days ago and as of his recording his oxygen will run out the ‘tomorrow morning’. How long has Tony been drifting in space? Is he trying to get back to Earth? Last we know Tony was with Nebula on Titan battling Thanos before the finger snap? And is that the Guardian’s of the Galaxy’s Ship Tony is on?

The next phase of the trailer shows we notice two key points. The first is Thanos armor being hung up resembling the same way it was hung on a scarecrow. The second interesting scene is that of the damaged Infinity Gauntlet being worn by someone whom we believe is the mad titan Thanos himself, walking thru the garden or farm fields

Next we hear Black Widow speaking in the background to what seems to be a Captain America in tears, saying that Thanos has succeeded in wiping out 50% of all living creatures.

Next sequence of scene we see two sad faces, the mighty Thor and Nebula. The one that is more interesting is the next which reveals our beloved Archer Clint Barton Hawkeye. But we notice something different about him. This time he his seen wielding a Katana, which would mean he has taken on the mantle of Ronin.

Next scene we see Captain America holding a locket with a photo of a young Peggy Carter in his hands while saying “This is the fight of our lives”.

Next we see a scene where Black Widow is trying to reassure Steve Rogers that their plan is going to work, to which Steve replied that he know it is, because he doesn’t know what he is going to do if it doesn’t.

Finally we are treated with the title scene revealing Avengers – Endgame! Wow that was a blast! Avengers 3 was shown in cinemas this year on 04 May 2018. Now being 07 December 2018, that makes it a wait of 7 months till we are finally treated to the trailer of Avengers 4.

But wait! there is more! We are treated to another scene of what seems to be Scott Lang who has driven his Van and seems to be meeting up with Steve Rogers Captain America and Blackwidow, to which Steve is wondering if its a old recording. Black widow then replied that its the front door. To which we being thinking wasn’t poor Scott trapped in the Quantum Realm. How did he get out the Quantum Realm without any assistance? Guess we have to wait for the movie to find out.

Currently Avengers 4 is scheduled to release on 26 Apr 2019. Right now the community is going nuts about the trailer. So far we do not see any teasers shots of Captain Marvel in the Avengers 4 trailer. Perhaps there will be a 2nd trailer in future.
Just less than a month ago Stan Lee passed away leaving a void in every marvel comic fan’s hearts. If only he could see this amazing trailer which has taken 10 years develop into this stage since the starting of the year 2008 with the first Iron Man film.