12 year old student given suspension for using counterfeit money

Christian Philon 12 year old straight A student suspended for using counterfeit money
Christian Philon 12 year old straight A student suspended for using counterfeit money

A 12 year old boy in USA, Georgia was given suspension for 10 days because he was caught using counterfeit money to pay for his school lunch.

Christian Philon, is a 12 year old straight ‘A’ student and athlete at Austin Road Middle School, claims he is unaware that the money he used was counterfeit money. 

What happened?

He was paying for his meal at the school, that was when the lunch lady marked the twenty dollar bill with counterfeit detecting ink and discovered that the note was fake.

Twenty dollar bill with counterfeit detecting ink
Twenty dollar bill with counterfeit detecting ink

According to the boy’s father, the bill in question was received as change from a fast food restaurant.

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“I’ve never handled counterfeit money,” Earvin Philon said. “I don’t know what it looks like. … There was no way when I gave it to my son that he knew it was counterfeit.”

The School’s suspension.

Christian Philon was then sent to the principal. He was given in-school suspension for “possessing counterfeit money” as its a violation found in the school’s handbook.

Christian Philon parents went to file a police report about receiving the counterfeit bill. They thought that with the police report, they could convince the school not to suspend their son.

However the school administrators refused to change their stand on the disciplinary action.  They said, “You possessed it (counterfeit money), so you’re going to have to pay for it.”

“The whole process has been unfair,” Christian Philon said. His parents said they will appeal their son’s punishment.

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